Monday, December 20, 2010

new city. new job. new friends.

if you know me, you know my biggest hatred in life are birds - i HATE birds.. passionately. the other thing i don't like is rain. rain means.. more humidity = flat hair = ultimate fail. not only that, it just makes getting around a lot more difficult and people get stupid. it's been pouring here; we even had a flash flood warning. i was reading the national weather service for honolulu and this was their precautionary/preparedness action: "DO NOT CROSS FAST FLOWING OR RISING WATER IN YOUR VEHICLE OR ON FOOT. TURN AROUND... DON'T DROWN." don't drown - really? thanks for the warning.

have i told you who i'm living with? i'm living with my friend and brother from another mother, dene. i've known him since before i could drive. we met at mt. hermon - let me share with you a story about dene and i back when he and our other friend russ would hang out. they tried to teach me how to drive at a church parking lot once. somehow, i freaked out and instead of pressing on the brake, i slammed on the gas - going over the planter. major freak out session. the next day, they call me at home to tell me that i broke something under the car and it's going to cost $300 to fix it. i was speechless and so scared! i didn't even have my permit or anything!! a few minutes later, the idiots broke out laughing. gotcha! how annoying! wait, i have another story. dene and russ came back from hawaii one summer, we were driving around and the song "more than words" version by justin young was playing. it was the first time i heard it and the boys said that they just recorded it while they were vacationing in hawaii. i was so amazed and fell in love with that song! little did i know that it was by justin young - i've been listening to justin young since then. point of these stories is that i am stupid and gullible when it comes to these two boys. dah!

anyways, we've had some visitors this past week (well, they were actually visiting dene, i just happened to be here!) kevin, michelle & kj hoshi. our friends from back home. 

this is the hoshi's. i ♥ them. his first name is matthias and one of his middle name is kj - kj stands for kevin junior. teehee. he's so cute! he's 10 months old, he's a silly baby. it was so nice how he had a liking to me - he fell asleep in my arms a few times. :) he's such a good boy. i didn't get to play with him much, but the times i did, it was funn!

this was when we went to eat at cinnamon's in kailua. they're known for their guava chiffon pancakes. omg - to DIE for. 

dene graduated this weekend from university of hawaii, manoa. yay! funny story, one of the bus boys at my restaurant, mitchell had classes with dene and they graduated together! look how cute those boys are! ♥

he's so cute, yah!!!?!?!?

this is us - we're all so proud of dene!

last monday, i had the best day off. my friend lisa came home from san francisco and we had a good and productive day... 

lisa and i went to kaimana beach. it was such a beautiful day. i laid out and took a nap while lisa read the last harry potter book. it was amazing!

then she took me to wailoa shave ice. we had the azuki bowl with mochi balls. we flavored it with strawberry/kiwi and guava syrup. yummmeee!

and then! lisa and our other friend, burgandie took me on a hike to makapu'u. for those who try to make me do nature-y thing, you know "i'm allergic to nature" right? hahaa. living in hawaii, i'm going to slowly try to get over that. they do make allergy pills. what a beautiful view!

this is us at the top of the hill/cliff/valley - you know what i mean. 

i've been lucky to visit the infamous shack - i've heard so many stories about this place and what happens there after work. it's the tgif of la jolla and big wangs of downtown la. i love this place! 

on my first visit there, i played darts and shot pool with some boys from work. it was fun. jason and i were a team and we kicked ass at darts. but then brandon and evan beat us in pool. oh well - jason was too hammered to hit the stick straight. hehee.

this is tony mattos. my friend/food runner from roy's la. he's from oahu, was visiting his family for the holidays. we got together for a quick drink at the shack before he had to go back to la. seeing him made me miss la. i hope tony gave the message to everybody that "i miss you and i love you". 

to be completely honest, my transition at work hasn't been as smooth as i'd like, it was a rough start, but after a week and a half, i finally feel comfortable and am learning a lot. i'm getting to know the staff better, figuring out the ins & outs of the restaurant and learning. unfortunately, i've been working a lot and since my body is still adjusting to the weather, i'm a bit under the weather. my throat hurts a lot, but my body feels fine, so it's not too bad. too bad today is my one day off, but i'm sick AND it's raining. epic fail!

now tomorrow, dene is going back home to california for three weeks, which means i'm going to be alone for christmas and new years. :*(***** so sad!! who wants to come play with me????

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